Performance Summary
Overall WN8


Recent WN8 Change


Recent WN8


Progression to next WN8 rank
Statistics Summary
Total Δ %
Battles 16.687 - -
Victories 8.437 - 50.56%
Draws 181 - 1,08%
Defeats 8.069 - 48.36%
Survived 5.632 - 33.75%
Deaths 11.055 - 66.25%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 15.223 - 0,91
Damage Dealt 17.911.373 - 1073,37
Tanks Spotted 21.871 - 1,31
Capture Points 27.258 - 1,63
Dropped Capture Points 16.325 - 0,98
Experience 10.828.911 - 648,94
Total Δ %
Battles 0 - -
Victories 0 - 0,00%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 0 - 0,00%
Survived 0 - 0,00%
Deaths 0 - 0,00%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 0 - 0,00
Damage Dealt 0 - 0,00
Tanks Spotted 0 - 0,00
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Experience 0 - 0,00
Total Δ %
Battles 3 - -
Victories 1 - 33,33%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 2 - 66,67%
Survived 1 - 33,33%
Deaths 2 - 66,67%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 2 - 0,67
Damage Dealt 4.426 - 1475,33
Tanks Spotted 1 - 0,33
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Experience 1.664 - 554,67
WN8 Progression
Win Rate Progression
Battles by Class
Battles by Tier
Mastery Badges
Total Tanks Played 74
Mastery 23  (31,08%)
1st Class 35  (47,30%)
2nd Class 8  (10,81%)
3rd Class 4  (5,41%)
No Mastery 4  (5,41%)
Tanks Stats Summary by Class
Battles WN8 WR
HT 2788 1479,83 49,57%
MT 8052 1594,95 49,76%
LT 4685 1378,24 51,33%
TD 1162 1952,60 55,34%
SPG 0 0,00 0,00%
Top Tanks
1. Cromwell
Frags: 2924
Battles: 2469
Ø Frags: 1.18
Victories: 54.72%
2. T71 DA
Frags: 1455
Battles: 1867
Ø Frags: 0.78
Victories: 52.70%
3. Centurion Action X
Frags: 961
Battles: 1057
Ø Frags: 0.91
Victories: 45.41%
4. Object 140
Frags: 515
Battles: 397
Ø Frags: 1.30
Victories: 49.37%
5. Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
Frags: 704
Battles: 543
Ø Frags: 1.30
Victories: 48.07%
6. T28 Prototype
Frags: 394
Battles: 304
Ø Frags: 1.30
Victories: 57.57%
Detailed Tanks Stats
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
E 75IX415 1394,76 45,78%
T54E1IX377 1419,12 49,60%
Tiger IIVIII294 1371,96 47,96%
T-10IX279 1790,03 58,06%
T57 HeavyX273 1473,13 45,42%
Tiger IVII255 1352,91 45,88%
IS-3VIII226 1927,62 53,54%
VK 36.01 HVI167 1371,39 50,90%
KV-85VI156 1269,06 52,56%
ISVII127 1424,04 49,61%
IS-7X123 1393,86 48,78%
KV-1V62 1239,48 58,06%
E 100X34 1234,62 41,18%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
CromwellVI2469 1832,43 54,72%
Centurion AXX1057 1432,97 45,41%
CometVII643 897,05 50,23%
B-C 25 tX543 2036,50 48,07%
Centurion 7/1IX525 1077,18 43,81%
Centurion IVIII483 1190,90 46,58%
Obj. 140X397 2354,14 49,37%
T-54IX381 1937,69 48,56%
B-C 25 t APIX316 1600,10 43,35%
T-34-3VIII292 1173,67 45,89%
T69VIII261 1474,42 46,74%
T-44VIII247 2218,91 57,89%
Pz. IV HV145 569,73 42,07%
T-43VII142 1898,25 57,04%
Medium II66 67,21 48,48%
KV-13VII44 1959,78 54,55%
T-28IV41 1853,29 53,66%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
T71 DAVII1867 1863,45 52,70%
AMX 13 90IX378 1167,48 50,00%
CrusaderVI369 691,59 49,86%
CovenanterV355 494,74 50,70%
AMX 13 75VII207 1037,46 45,89%
Cruiser IIIIII183 335,89 50,27%
Cruiser IVIV144 338,69 56,25%
M41 BulldogVIII129 2638,20 53,49%
T21VI124 657,47 50,00%
T49IX111 1371,35 54,05%
AMX 12 tVI91 1364,56 57,14%
MT-25VI87 1247,77 50,57%
T37VI80 2511,62 55,00%
VK 28.01VI80 1676,17 47,50%
Pz. 38 nAIV80 525,01 46,25%
LeopardV72 1112,76 48,61%
M7V59 1264,72 54,24%
AMX ELC bisV47 975,44 48,94%
ChaffeeV30 4102,83 63,33%
LuchsIV28 955,29 53,57%
LTPIII26 449,83 42,31%
Pz. 38 (t)III24 289,27 33,33%
M3 StuartIII23 751,64 43,48%
M5 StuartIV21 318,20 47,62%
Pz. 35 (t)II17 576,69 58,82%
T7 CarII13 73,76 38,46%
T-46III10 540,03 40,00%
L.Tr.I10 3,51 30,00%
Te-KeII5 189,17 60,00%
MS-1I4 81,35 50,00%
FTI4 0,00 25,00%
T1I3 220,04 66,67%
NC-31I2 0,00 0,00%
R. OtsuI1 613,47 100,00%
T-26II1 0,00 0,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
T30IX343 1811,16 55,10%
T28 Prot.VIII304 2257,48 57,57%
HellcatVI216 2101,91 54,17%
T25/2VII137 1852,40 54,74%
WolverineV39 1709,95 53,85%
T110E4X39 1403,72 46,15%
T40IV38 1001,00 44,74%
T3 HMCII32 2119,38 62,50%
T56 GMCIII14 1538,20 78,57%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR

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