Performance Summary
Overall WN8


Recent WN8 Change


Recent WN8


Progression to next WN8 rank
Statistics Summary
Total Δ %
Battles 6.779 - -
Victories 3.713 - 54.77%
Draws 57 - 0,84%
Defeats 3.009 - 44.39%
Survived 2.295 - 33.85%
Deaths 4.484 - 66.15%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 7.755 - 1,14
Damage Dealt 9.412.909 - 1388,54
Tanks Spotted 9.809 - 1,45
Capture Points 4.391 - 0,65
Dropped Capture Points 6.578 - 0,97
Experience 3.952.085 - 582,99
Total Δ %
Battles 1 - -
Victories 0 - 0,00%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 1 - 100,00%
Survived 0 - 0,00%
Deaths 1 - 100,00%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 0 - 0,00
Damage Dealt 990 - 990,00
Tanks Spotted 2 - 2,00
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Experience 116 - 116,00
Total Δ %
Battles 38 - -
Victories 24 - 63,16%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 14 - 36,84%
Survived 22 - 57,89%
Deaths 16 - 42,11%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 31 - 0,82
Damage Dealt 42.925 - 1129,61
Tanks Spotted 29 - 0,76
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 188 - 4,95
Experience 30.855 - 811,97
WN8 Progression
Win Rate Progression
Battles by Class
Battles by Tier
Mastery Badges
Total Tanks Played 38
Mastery 13  (34,21%)
1st Class 6  (15,79%)
2nd Class 11  (28,95%)
3rd Class 6  (15,79%)
No Mastery 2  (5,26%)
Tanks Stats Summary by Class
Battles WN8 WR
HT 3032 2267,69 54,85%
MT 2967 2309,40 55,65%
LT 642 1831,47 51,09%
TD 27 751,41 37,04%
SPG 111 1406,91 54,95%
Top Tanks
1. FCM 50 t
Frags: 3311
Battles: 2802
Ø Frags: 1.18
Victories: 54.75%
2. T-34-85
Frags: 949
Battles: 722
Ø Frags: 1.31
Victories: 59.42%
3. T-54
Frags: 897
Battles: 743
Ø Frags: 1.21
Victories: 55.05%
4. Object 416
Frags: 661
Battles: 519
Ø Frags: 1.27
Victories: 57.23%
5. T-34
Frags: 301
Battles: 290
Ø Frags: 1.04
Victories: 52.07%
6. A-44
Frags: 245
Battles: 172
Ø Frags: 1.42
Victories: 61.63%
Detailed Tanks Stats
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
FCM 50 tVIII2802 2359,50 54,75%
T29VII121 1245,16 57,02%
M6VI71 1344,19 57,75%
T1 HeavyV35 1112,07 54,29%
T32VIII3 188,63 0,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
T-54IX743 2411,85 55,05%
T-34-85VI722 2598,00 59,42%
Obj. 416VIII519 2584,86 57,23%
T-34V290 1703,76 52,07%
Obj. 140X204 1717,75 45,59%
A-44VII172 2739,48 61,63%
A-43VI117 2094,62 55,56%
T-62AX114 1683,32 51,75%
Obj. 430 IIIX68 2108,41 44,12%
KV-13VII10 559,25 70,00%
Chi-NiII3 2429,26 66,67%
Medium IIII2 112,09 50,00%
M3 LeeIV2 100,69 50,00%
Medium II1 1133,98 100,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
LTTBVIII172 2262,19 55,23%
T-54 ltwt.IX137 1699,29 50,36%
A-20V136 1396,42 50,00%
MT-25VI102 2089,42 49,02%
BT-7IV39 934,20 41,03%
Pz. I CIII15 1740,77 73,33%
TetrarchII13 1463,35 53,85%
LuchsIV10 412,17 30,00%
Pz. IIII5 1945,02 20,00%
L.Tr.I5 914,42 60,00%
VAE Type BII3 1807,42 66,67%
BT-2II2 419,50 50,00%
R. OtsuI1 787,43 100,00%
T-116III1 758,98 100,00%
T-45II1 1286,97 0,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
SU-85V19 1020,18 36,84%
Super HellcatVII8 371,02 37,50%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
Birch GunIV88 1381,36 55,68%
BishopV23 1488,21 52,17%

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