Performance Summary
Overall WN8


Recent WN8 Change


Recent WN8


Progression to next WN8 rank
Statistics Summary
Total Δ %
Battles 12.120 - -
Victories 6.328 - 52.21%
Draws 104 - 0,86%
Defeats 5.688 - 46.93%
Survived 2.998 - 24.74%
Deaths 9.122 - 75.26%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 10.351 - 0,85
Damage Dealt 13.567.409 - 1119,42
Tanks Spotted 14.600 - 1,20
Capture Points 9.241 - 0,76
Dropped Capture Points 8.285 - 0,68
Experience 8.512.326 - 702,34
Total Δ %
Battles 0 - -
Victories 0 - 0,00%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 0 - 0,00%
Survived 0 - 0,00%
Deaths 0 - 0,00%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 0 - 0,00
Damage Dealt 0 - 0,00
Tanks Spotted 0 - 0,00
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Experience 0 - 0,00
Total Δ %
Battles 0 - -
Victories 0 - 0,00%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 0 - 0,00%
Survived 0 - 0,00%
Deaths 0 - 0,00%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 0 - 0,00
Damage Dealt 0 - 0,00
Tanks Spotted 0 - 0,00
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Experience 0 - 0,00
WN8 Progression
Win Rate Progression
Battles by Class
Battles by Tier
Mastery Badges
Total Tanks Played 55
Mastery 19  (34,55%)
1st Class 18  (32,73%)
2nd Class 11  (20,00%)
3rd Class 5  (9,09%)
No Mastery 2  (3,64%)
Tanks Stats Summary by Class
Battles WN8 WR
HT 7991 1514,04 52,43%
MT 3077 1408,27 52,49%
LT 242 335,31 45,45%
TD 810 1382,43 50,99%
SPG 0 0,00 0,00%
Top Tanks
1. T29
Frags: 1341
Battles: 1242
Ø Frags: 1.08
Victories: 56.76%
2. Cromwell B
Frags: 839
Battles: 909
Ø Frags: 0.92
Victories: 55.67%
3. IS
Frags: 776
Battles: 812
Ø Frags: 0.96
Victories: 58.25%
4. IS-3
Frags: 766
Battles: 904
Ø Frags: 0.85
Victories: 49.34%
5. E 75
Frags: 672
Battles: 1008
Ø Frags: 0.67
Victories: 49.60%
6. KV-2
Frags: 586
Battles: 537
Ø Frags: 1.09
Victories: 52.33%
Detailed Tanks Stats
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
T29VII1242 1898,69 56,76%
E 75IX1008 1131,16 49,60%
IS-3VIII904 1638,82 49,34%
ISVII812 1693,57 58,25%
Tiger IVII582 1603,44 56,01%
IS-7X571 1427,17 51,66%
T110E5X558 1459,95 48,92%
KV-2VI537 1925,19 52,33%
M103IX317 1551,02 52,68%
T-10IX260 1483,45 48,85%
E 100X202 1362,38 47,03%
VK 36.01 HVI192 875,47 52,60%
Tiger IIVIII177 1071,17 48,02%
T32VIII134 1506,60 57,46%
M6VI133 1498,29 48,87%
KV-1V120 1102,96 45,83%
T1 HeavyV82 1432,90 52,44%
Churchill IIIV73 1204,38 47,95%
T57 HeavyX52 1028,05 44,23%
703 II (122)VIII28 1058,32 46,43%
T14V7 1100,56 71,43%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
Cromwell BVI909 1442,68 55,67%
T-34-85VI393 1615,21 55,47%
T-54IX325 1292,45 52,62%
T-44VIII271 1640,43 50,92%
T-54 mod. 1VIII185 1384,96 46,49%
VK 30.02 MVI184 1333,92 55,43%
T-43VII162 1703,19 55,56%
T-34-85MVI150 1330,42 46,67%
M4A1V136 1563,61 52,94%
Pz. IV HV128 346,64 50,00%
T-28IV72 2824,63 50,00%
Obj. 430IX62 634,58 37,10%
T20VII47 1176,24 40,43%
Obj. 140X15 796,33 33,33%
PantherVII15 1467,93 60,00%
M4A3E8VI15 993,62 33,33%
T69VIII8 473,61 12,50%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
Pz. 38 nAIV59 69,53 42,37%
T-46III51 574,52 43,14%
Pz. 38 (t)III45 393,68 46,67%
L.Tr.I31 556,73 54,84%
Pz. 35 (t)II27 371,97 48,15%
Pz. III19 82,80 47,37%
LuchsIV10 678,28 30,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
T30IX232 1757,71 53,45%
SU-152VII189 1071,85 49,74%
SU-100VI117 1125,75 52,14%
SU-85V82 901,60 51,22%
T67V80 1610,08 48,75%
SU-85BIV70 919,75 55,71%
HetzerIV20 1756,22 40,00%
HellcatVI16 421,61 25,00%
SU-76MIV3 243,05 66,67%
Super HellcatVII1 44,11 0,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR

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