Performance Summary
Overall WN8


Recent WN8 Change


Recent WN8


Progression to next WN8 rank
Statistics Summary
Total Δ %
Battles 15.261 - -
Victories 8.602 - 56.37%
Draws 230 - 1,51%
Defeats 6.429 - 42.13%
Survived 6.278 - 41.14%
Deaths 8.983 - 58.86%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 21.951 - 1,44
Damage Dealt 30.671.547 - 2009,80
Tanks Spotted 23.366 - 1,53
Capture Points 44.058 - 2,89
Dropped Capture Points 18.067 - 1,18
Experience 11.368.245 - 744,92
Total Δ %
Battles 47 - -
Victories 31 - 65,96%
Draws 3 - 6,00%
Defeats 13 - 27,66%
Survived 25 - 53,19%
Deaths 22 - 46,81%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 50 - 1,06
Damage Dealt 102.811 - 2187,47
Tanks Spotted 62 - 1,32
Capture Points 11 - 0,23
Dropped Capture Points 55 - 1,17
Experience 46.331 - 985,77
Total Δ %
Battles 15 - -
Victories 8 - 53,33%
Draws 1 - 6,00%
Defeats 6 - 40,00%
Survived 8 - 53,33%
Deaths 7 - 46,67%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 14 - 0,93
Damage Dealt 20.873 - 1391,53
Tanks Spotted 9 - 0,60
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 62 - 4,13
Experience 13.053 - 870,20
WN8 Progression
Win Rate Progression
Battles by Class
Battles by Tier
Mastery Badges
Total Tanks Played 46
Mastery 18  (39,13%)
1st Class 8  (17,39%)
2nd Class 1  (2,17%)
3rd Class 4  (8,70%)
No Mastery 15  (32,61%)
Tanks Stats Summary by Class
Battles WN8 WR
HT 4332 1958,91 53,81%
MT 8427 3249,09 59,39%
LT 1102 858,63 47,37%
TD 1344 1470,80 53,50%
SPG 56 1446,73 44,64%
Top Tanks
1. Leopard 1
Frags: 13423
Battles: 7157
Ø Frags: 1.88
Victories: 60.29%
2. Tiger II
Frags: 1681
Battles: 1397
Ø Frags: 1.20
Victories: 55.05%
3. Maus
Frags: 1310
Battles: 1125
Ø Frags: 1.16
Victories: 54.93%
4. Leopard Prototyp A
Frags: 752
Battles: 588
Ø Frags: 1.28
Victories: 53.06%
5. StuG III Ausf. G
Frags: 692
Battles: 617
Ø Frags: 1.12
Victories: 54.94%
6. VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B
Frags: 586
Battles: 528
Ø Frags: 1.11
Victories: 50.76%
Detailed Tanks Stats
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
Tiger IIVIII1397 2153,35 55,05%
MausX1125 2067,68 54,93%
VK 45.02 BIX528 1743,37 50,76%
Tiger IVII472 1368,43 50,21%
VK 45.02 AVIII466 1728,91 52,58%
Tiger (P)VII179 2399,60 63,13%
VK 30.01 PVI95 1770,27 50,53%
B1IV70 1092,19 47,14%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
Leopard 1X7157 3434,47 60,29%
Leopard PT AIX588 1812,98 53,06%
VK 30.01 HV229 1506,19 55,90%
Indien-Pz.VIII210 1798,54 56,67%
Pz. IV HV140 1170,31 52,86%
Pz. III JIV83 697,75 57,83%
D2III20 727,92 45,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
Aufkl.PantherVII291 853,07 41,92%
T1E6II168 930,12 45,83%
LeopardV158 700,42 53,16%
VK 28.01VI121 1040,03 44,63%
M5A1 StuartIV73 602,04 46,58%
LuchsIV62 561,27 45,16%
LocustIII56 1261,99 53,57%
LTPIII43 1040,98 51,16%
Pz. III EIII34 586,77 61,76%
Pz. IIII31 1206,78 51,61%
Pz. I CIII20 1342,16 50,00%
Chi-HaIII11 677,86 54,55%
L.Tr.I10 787,57 40,00%
D1II9 137,83 55,56%
Pz. III3 318,17 33,33%
T7 CarII2 390,64 50,00%
Light VICII2 109,65 50,00%
T1I2 76,28 50,00%
R. OtsuI1 261,00 100,00%
FTI1 457,69 100,00%
NC-31I1 261,00 100,00%
Type 62VII1 0,00 0,00%
Te-KeII1 261,00 100,00%
Ru 251IX1 2972,68 100,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
StuG III GV617 1451,40 54,94%
JPantherVII360 1713,76 49,17%
Jg.Pz. IVVI227 1264,92 55,07%
HetzerIV103 961,16 56,31%
Marder IIIII34 1156,78 55,88%
Pz.Jäg. III3 1837,25 33,33%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
G.W. PantherVII56 1446,73 44,64%

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