Performance Summary
Overall WN8


Recent WN8 Change


Recent WN8


Progression to next WN8 rank
Statistics Summary
Total Δ %
Battles 8.507 - -
Victories 4.195 - 49.31%
Draws 123 - 1,45%
Defeats 4.189 - 49.24%
Survived 1.938 - 22.78%
Deaths 6.569 - 77.22%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 5.833 - 0,69
Damage Dealt 7.145.343 - 839,94
Tanks Spotted 8.751 - 1,03
Capture Points 9.550 - 1,12
Dropped Capture Points 3.747 - 0,44
Experience 4.071.072 - 478,56
Total Δ %
Battles 57 - -
Victories 23 - 40,35%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 34 - 59,65%
Survived 15 - 26,32%
Deaths 42 - 73,68%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 15 - 0,26
Damage Dealt 42.116 - 738,88
Tanks Spotted 39 - 0,68
Capture Points 49 - 0,86
Dropped Capture Points 42 - 0,74
Experience 22.663 - 397,60
Total Δ %
Battles 248 - -
Victories 183 - 73,79%
Draws 3 - 1,00%
Defeats 62 - 25,00%
Survived 121 - 48,79%
Deaths 127 - 51,21%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 159 - 0,64
Damage Dealt 247.793 - 999,17
Tanks Spotted 203 - 0,82
Capture Points 621 - 2,50
Dropped Capture Points 360 - 1,45
Experience 187.440 - 755,81
WN8 Progression
Win Rate Progression
Battles by Class
Battles by Tier
Mastery Badges
Total Tanks Played 69
Mastery 10  (14,49%)
1st Class 10  (14,49%)
2nd Class 21  (30,43%)
3rd Class 8  (11,59%)
No Mastery 20  (28,99%)
Tanks Stats Summary by Class
Battles WN8 WR
HT 2271 1015,99 50,55%
MT 1269 791,60 48,78%
LT 1083 560,04 47,46%
TD 3398 1264,51 49,35%
SPG 486 748,97 48,77%
Top Tanks
1. KV-1
Frags: 640
Battles: 640
Ø Frags: 1.00
Victories: 55.31%
2. T28 Prototype
Frags: 462
Battles: 498
Ø Frags: 0.93
Victories: 50.60%
3. T30
Frags: 424
Battles: 571
Ø Frags: 0.74
Victories: 47.81%
4. T95
Frags: 366
Battles: 426
Ø Frags: 0.86
Victories: 49.30%
5. M18 Hellcat
Frags: 283
Battles: 324
Ø Frags: 0.87
Victories: 48.15%
6. T25/2
Frags: 234
Battles: 296
Ø Frags: 0.79
Victories: 51.35%
Detailed Tanks Stats
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
KV-1V640 1351,95 55,31%
IS-3VIII452 1087,10 50,00%
T34VIII285 847,41 44,56%
T-10IX263 657,68 44,11%
T-150VI225 1163,17 53,33%
ISVII224 1021,97 52,23%
T14V147 415,74 45,58%
KV-3VII24 1464,39 58,33%
LöweVIII10 363,13 60,00%
KV-2VI1 510,84 100,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
M46 PattonIX340 646,91 46,47%
PershingVIII277 1091,93 48,74%
T20VII276 850,50 50,36%
M4A3E8VI254 785,80 50,79%
T-28IV77 632,59 42,86%
T69VIII38 506,49 57,89%
Medium II6 649,02 50,00%
T-29III1 292,56 0,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
M7V193 563,09 44,04%
ChaffeeV129 697,13 46,51%
M5 StuartIV124 110,45 46,77%
T71 DAVII121 808,66 52,89%
T21VI120 914,44 45,83%
LocustIII108 361,84 49,07%
M3 StuartIII71 146,82 42,25%
T1I68 410,45 48,53%
M2 LightII37 622,20 51,35%
T-46III31 108,85 41,94%
FTI20 444,35 65,00%
Cruiser II14 1408,94 42,86%
T-26II7 1214,33 100,00%
LTPIII7 161,81 57,14%
R. OtsuI5 108,62 40,00%
MS-1I5 0,00 40,00%
TetrarchII4 690,09 75,00%
7TPII3 3,10 33,33%
10TPIII3 0,00 33,33%
Pz. II DII2 0,00 0,00%
4TPI2 40,40 0,00%
T1E6II2 352,90 50,00%
T-127III2 198,96 50,00%
NC-31I2 679,25 100,00%
Light VICII1 0,00 0,00%
T7 CarII1 637,62 100,00%
T-50-2VI1 2402,72 0,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
T30IX571 1152,30 47,81%
T28 Prot.VIII498 1635,71 50,60%
T95IX426 1365,26 49,30%
Strv S1VIII376 1126,52 50,80%
HellcatVI324 1319,75 48,15%
T25/2VII296 1282,93 51,35%
T28VIII292 1484,65 46,58%
T25 ATVII208 1307,96 52,40%
T110E4X134 833,33 38,06%
JacksonVI110 719,02 54,55%
T67V53 543,57 52,83%
E 25VII38 337,31 42,11%
StuG IVV36 844,16 61,11%
M8A1IV19 376,48 52,63%
T56 GMCIII6 373,30 66,67%
Skorpion GVIII6 2059,81 66,67%
Super HellcatVII5 1100,81 60,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
S-51VII231 772,26 49,35%
M7 PriestIII78 984,45 46,15%
M37IV64 652,24 53,13%
SU-14-2VIII61 810,34 57,38%
M41 HMCV39 178,97 33,33%
T1 HMCII12 317,61 41,67%
leFH18B2V1 0,00 0,00%

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